Sunday, May 15, 2011

Run, Forrest, RUN!

I have this habit each year of picking goals or projects to work on, and this year I set a goal for myself of running in a 5k.  So, I've started running.  Well, really it's more of a jog.  Or, as my friend Amy calls it, "wogging" -- a combination of walking/jogging.  That really is more appropriate, as I'm not very fast.  And I feel like I should apologize to my neighbors who have to watch me out there three days a week.

I found a training program online called "Couch to 5k" which has a 9 week program of walking and jogging intervals that eventually lead you to jogging for 30 minutes non-stop (which, I suppose, would be enough time for most folks to run a 5k).  I also found a podcast that uses music to signal when to walk or jog that corresponds to the Couch to 5k intervals, and it's been great to not have to look at a watch and keep track of time, but concentrate on my form and breathing. I started in February, and with only one week that had to be repeated (I got really sick in March), and have now successfully completed the program, and I love it!  I'm still jogging 3 days a week, and have completed two 5k races so far.  I have another one in June, and hope to sign up for one each month to help keep me training.

The challenge I'm facing is my weight loss.  I know that I'm gaining muscle, but I don't seem to see much difference in how my clothes are fitting, and very little change in my weight on the scale each week at Weight Watchers.  I've been pretty frustrated with it for several weeks now, and am working on adding healthy proteins to help my metabolism.  I started eating almonds as a snack at work, which had been great, until I broke a tooth!  *sigh*  Now I have a temporary crown and have been banned from eating hard, crunchy foods. 

I'm waiting for my dentist to call and tell me my permanent crown is ready to be installed, something I'm not looking forward to, but hopefully it won't keep me from my weekly jogs!

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