I'm a bit of a Facebook junkie. I'm on there a LOT. I don't play the games and all of that crap, though, I really do use it as a tool to keep up with friends (and family) near and far, and organizations that I support.
One thing I've noticed people posting about since the beginning of November is GRATITUDE. Since November is the month of Thanksgiving, it makes sense to take some time to reflect. I can't say that I express my gratitude very often, but it's never too late to start.
So, here's my Grown-Up Gratitude List (not in any particular order, and it is in no way complete):
1. My husband: He is my best friend, and tells me daily how much he loves me. No matter where I am, when I'm with him I feel like Home. I could say so much more, but I'll start crying, so I'll leave it at that.
2. My Mom: I would not be the woman I am now if it were not for how she raised me and how I saw her live her life. I'm strong, independent, stubborn, and love coffee and crossword puzzles, all because of her.
3. My Friends: I've got a great network of friends, some who have known me since I was in Junior High, some I've met only recently. They are a very diverse group of people, and they make me laugh, cry, and drive me crazy (or do crazy things), but I would not be the person I am today without them, either.
4. Cats: I love my kitties, they are my fur babies, and petting them is my daily therapy.
5. Autumn: The colorful leaves, the changing sunlight, the crisp air. It makes me feel recharged and renewed.
6. The Pacific Northwest: The part of the world my late father always called "God's Country". I did not appreciate the beauty and richness of this area until I did not live there anymore. Now I feel like I'm not quite complete unless I've touched my toes into the sands of Cannon Beach, walked through the stalls at Saturday Market, or watched Mount Hood or Mount Rainier change as the sun sets.
7. My body and brain: I am becoming stronger than I ever knew I could, and am constantly learning and changing how I think, feel, and move. It's an amazing gift that keeps on giving.
K... I'm stopping there for now. Perhaps I'll add more later on this month...
What are YOU grateful for?
You :)